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We're working! [ September 14, 1999 ] by SpecOps :
Welcome to the new home of Rangers Lead the Way. How do you like our new refurbished design? Send your comments here. We're also still in need of some help; here's what we need:
  • 3D Artist (models)
  • Programmer/Coder (must be experienced with C and C++ as well as experience with Half-Life's code
  • 2D Artist (sprites, skinning, textures etc.)

Unfortionately our 3D artist, MrBigNutz had to quit the team due to personal issues with real life (TM), it was great having you, good luck BigNutz (he may return at a later date though that may be a REALLY later date). Anyhow, we're looking for another 3D artist now and we really need those two other positions to be filled, we're looking for about 2 coders and probably no more than one 2D artist. We're going to be uploading the two pics (of the M24 and the Desert Eagle) onto the page soon. Though before we do, I'd like to post a little note that the M24 has some skinning errors.

Also, we've decided to let 3rd party level designers submit maps for the first public BETA release. We'll release about four un-official maps in the first public BETA. SnipE, Bullet Proof, and I have done a lot of planning and documentation for the mod within the past week, so once we have our positions filled expect for progress to really speed up on the mod.

I've been thinking of accepting maybe another sound engineer, if you apply for sound engineer, don't be surprised if I let you in (of course you'd have to send me an example of your work).

MrBigNutz has also almost finished work on the Colt SMG (model RO635). It looks WONDERFUL, though he still has to fix the skin up a bit, it's looking great! We're working quite hard right now, and this mod is really flying, enjoy!

Anyhow, thanks for Hektic of 2idiots Productions for creating this fabulous new website for the mod, he truely is amazing and we at the staff of RLW thank him for this wonderful page.

Site designed by 2idiots Productions.